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Who are we?
iMind engineers have worked for a decade to create a technological video conference platform. We’ve made many mistakes and buried a lot of projects. Over that time, iMind team has learned many things and there’s something we’re proud of. We have created our own technological stack, patented technologies in the U.S. Several biggest national telecom operators are among our clients.
- 2012The new world record for “the biggest online training in the world” is set.
- 2013The biggest network provider in Russia, MTS, becomes iMind’s client.
- 2014Receiving of first international patents.
- 2015Increased the number of services offered in Kazakhstan. Kazakhtelecom, the national network provider, is responsible for offering the service to the clients.
- 2016Uzbektelecom, a national Uzbek network provider, begins providing video conference services.
- 2017Serious restructuration with cost decreasing and changing the approaches to business.
- 2018Released the first version of the iMind technological stack that supports API - iMind API.
- 2019Extended a five-year contract with the Central Bank of Russia.
- 2020The biggest Russian commercial internet provider and fixed-line operator ER-Telecom begins offering the video conference service under their brand.
The team behind iMind only does the job that we know we can do well:
• Developers constantly improve the quality of a technological stack.• Customer service representatives support our clients before, during, and after the purchase. Solving request according to the SLA included!• Product managers determine the direction of growth of software.• Top management accompanies contracts with clients and partners.
Our partners take care of the major part of the job, as they also are professionals in their fields. They receive the bulk of income that our business makes.iMind carefully chooses partners and takes process formalization seriously. We approach our duties responsibly and value our partners.Business model
The iMind team projects the software. iMind technological partners create the services with the help of our technological stack via iMind SDK. Further support of the software the iMind team carries out with our technological partners.Sales partners sell software. iMind has the right to conduct sales by itself in markets where iMind doesn’t have sales partners.