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Apr 25, 2022·3 min reading

16 types of video conferencing and their use in business

Running a business requires using a variety of tools to manage tasks, people, and other matters. And the more flexible this management is, the better. Today, video calls are one of the best tools for providing this kind of flexibility.

16 types of video conferencing and their use in business

Features of modern business and work

Today people are trying to get better products or services. Each person has their own vision of what is best, so the business tries to match the main trends.

One of the main points that people appreciate is the speed of work without loss of quality. This applies to both goods and services. To be effective, you need to keep in touch with customers and respond flexibly to their wishes.

Another point that gives a good result in execution is the uniqueness of what you offer. It can be a wide range of goods and services, or something very unusual that no one else offers.

To bring these features to life, most businesses prefer online communication.

Why is video conferencing good for business?

Business meetings are a powerful tool for managing work within the company (at any level) and studying the peculiarities of the market. With video conferencing, you can ensure internal and external communication with the most efficient time management. This helps save time and money on travel, rent, organization and other issues. This is why online meetings have evolved so rapidly even after the threat of the pandemic has subsided.

Main types of videoconferencing

There are four types of business video calls:

  • tete-a-tete meeting - a popular form of conference for any business conversations, including project discussions, clarification of tasks and job interviews;
  • client video conference (or video chat) - a type of communication with customers to find out their needs and preferences (requires special software);
  • team video conference - an event that allows you to manage the work of the team, distribute tasks, summarize and receive feedback;
  • The company's videoconference is designed to convey information about upcoming events and changes in the company's work.

All of them are similar, but the different purposes of these conferences require a variety of video call application functionality.

Video conferencing software

You choose the conferencing software based on your needs. Companies use different software solutions to solve different problems: one program for communicating with customers, another for internal dialogue. The larger the enterprise, the more functions it requires. Thus, universal applications such as iMind are convenient for remote work.

Video conferencing for different industries

Any company can take advantage of video conferencing in their work. The industry determines only the level of involvement of this tool. The more specifics tend to applied work, the less opportunities to use remote communication. Thus, we can meet enterprises whose workflow is completely built on remote activity, and enterprises where videoconferencing is used only by managers.

Finally, you should choose the form of the team meeting depending on your needs. Be careful what type of video conferencing you are accessing because it determines the software and hardware for your meetings. For most purposes, the iMind app is the perfect solution, so try the free app now to see if it fits your needs.

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