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Video conferences and chat for business
In one click. No downloads, no installations.

Simple and safe.
Secured HD quality calls from phone or computer.Record and download your conferences.

Join with one click
Everything you need to do is simply follow the link. No download or install required. You don’t even have to register if you simply wanna talk. Some functions, such as recording, only work for registered users.

Check who’s trying to attend the conference
Say no to unwelcome guests! When a new attendee tries to enter a conference, iMind invites them to take a picture of themselves. The conference host then receives the picture and can decide whether he has invited that person or not, thus either accept or decline the person’s attempt.

Security. One-time codes instead of passwords
iMind doesn’t have passwords, hence hacking into your account is that much more difficult. Receive a one-time code to your email and enter it to authorize on the platform.
More about security →

Show several screens
Share your screen, application window, or a browser tab with other meeting attendees! All attendees can share their screens instead of video simultaneously. Watch up to 12 screens together regardless of your subscription.

Record calls for free
Recording is available to all iMind users. Records storage amount is not limited for any subscription.

Meet on the go
iMind is available on Android and iOS without any additional software. Use any browser on your phone to join the meeting.
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