5 questions to help start your morning online meeting
People face daily challenges related to their work. Some cite their personal problems that the workflow causes, others. But the fact is that people are taking more responsibility for remote work, which is now especially common.
Challenges of hybrid (remote) work
Since the pandemic began in 2020, many companies have applied the hybrid-remote work model to their companies. Once they saw the benefits of this model and the results it resulted in, it caught on and became widespread. But what challenges do these businesses face on their path to efficiency?
- technical issues - the more your work depends on the equipment, the more responsibility you take on using it at home (or wherever you work);
- issues of self-organization - a sense of flexibility provides opportunities, but at the same time requires the creation and adherence to a personal daily routine;
- psychological problems are endless, but none of them should affect your productivity.
The use of video conferencing occupies a special place among other means of organizing the business process using this model.
Morning routine and good mood at remote work
To solve self-organizational and psychological problems, there is a practice of morning rituals that sets you up for a productive working day. This ritual should cheer you up, or at least make it a little better. Each person makes their schedule unique, but starting an online meeting right is the turning point of the workday.
The difference between morning meetings and others
The peculiarity of morning team meetings is that people are sensitive to the emotions that others express. So if the meeting was negative from the very beginning, the rest of the day is also ruined in advance. The reverse is also true. So it's a good idea to use questions in your morning meetings to improve communication.
How to start an online morning meeting
How you use group meeting questions depends on the outcome you want to achieve. This can be a short conversation to warm up the team, or you can use the questions for small discussions. In any case, they will be a kind of icebreaker. They are useful in case a new remote employee joins your team. For the easiest start of a meeting, you can use the following questions:
- "What interesting thing happened to you over the weekend?" - it is more convenient for meetings on Monday morning, as it allows you to share pleasant impressions received over the weekend.
- "What's your morning ritual to focus on work?" — it gets people to pay attention and share ideas on how they can make their rituals even better.
- “What events of the past week are you proud of?” Memorizing and summarizing small achievements in a week makes people feel better and makes them want to achieve more. Thus, motivation and productivity increase.
- "What do you plan to achieve over the next week?" - great if it follows the previous question. Clarifies the mood of the team about plans, both personal and team.
- "What is your favorite magazine or magazine that inspires you?" is a more abstract question that can apply to both professional and leisure activities. It's not necessary for people to be inspired by magazines or magazines, so edit the question as you see fit.
Depending on how you want to apply these questions, you can use audio alone or enhance it with some video media.
The more you fill your morning with pleasant things, the more successful your day will be. Use the iMind video conferencing app and enjoy the start of your morning meeting even brighter!