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May 16, 2022·4 min reading

How do you decide when to actually call a meeting rather than send an email?

The more people develop their business, the more they need to communicate. Partners, clients, experts and other people participate in the process. But what's the fine line between a written email message and what's discussed in a meeting?

Email vs online meeting

Popular contact methods

Today we see a wide range of means used for communication. However, most of them are remote. It reflects the modern way of life, general trends and technological progress, which simplifies the transfer of information over any distance. So, today there are four most used communication methods:

  • Personal communication is the oldest of all kinds. It allows you to experience a full-fledged exchange of information either on a topic or non-verbal cues.
  • Online meetings allow you to use audio only or in combination with video. They mimic personal ones, but are best suited for professional purposes due to the functionality of modern applications.
  • Phone calls are also widespread, but unlike their use in the past, today they have mostly been replaced by video calls. Since they allow only textual information to be exchanged, they do not meet modern information content requirements. Therefore, people use them to notify or ask about something urgent in business.
  • Text messaging via email and instant messengers is even more common than phone calls. Today, people see notifications almost as soon as they arrive, and most prefer to text rather than call. Some even consider phone calls without notification bad manners.

Online meetings and e-mail are the most common and sought after among the mentioned means of communication.

Business conversation

When it comes to how best to talk to colleagues and clients, it all depends on the specific case. Follow the principle “the smaller the value, the faster the message transmission”. There is no need to use video conferencing equipment for short discussions that can be conducted via email.

But in any case, remember the tone and manner of speaking. It is always better to speak as a person, not just as a business representative. Stay positive and sincere to make the most of your communication.

The most popular ways of business communication

We have mentioned some of the most common means of communication. To be more specific, they include:

  • e-mail - for marketing campaigns, discussion of offers, notifications and exchange of documents;
  • instant messengers - for closer and faster interpersonal communication;
  • one-on-one calls - if you are uncomfortable in instant messengers;
  • group video meetings - regular, or to discuss projects or deals.

The better you integrate these channels, the more results your communication brings. By using dedicated hardware and apps, you can further increase your productivity.

Email VS Online Meeting: When to Use

The basic principles of the formal style of communication are being developed. The following items are the latest additions:

  • If you have something to offer, say or discuss - write. No need to bother people because you have a great offer. Give your partners or clients time to study the issue and express their opinion in writing.
  • Don't redirect the person you're talking to by email too many times. If you understand that this is possible, invite him to a video conference to discuss ideas with all the colleagues that you need to involve.
  • Take the bulk of your message at once and be concise. Nowadays, there is a trend to get the most out of the least amount of time spent. Avoid overly busy emails and turn them into appointments. It's the same with low-value meetings, which can be emails.

Pay attention to these points and consider the classic rules of business communication the most effective.

General rules for meetings and emails

The rules that existed before the frequent use of online means of remote communication have been changed by modern requirements. Thus, you need:

  • keep up with the times even more accurately than before;
  • blur the background to keep your life private;
  • don't be too pushy with e-mail; etc.

Follow the logic and general rules of business etiquette, and you will never miss.

Modern people seem to be more open. However, they value their personal boundaries more than ever before in history. This trend extends to business communication. And to make a positive impression, you must respect those boundaries. Using the iMind application for video conferencing allows you to follow the modern rules of communication without losing information.

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