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May 5, 2022·3 min reading

How can screen sharing help with remote collaboration?

To make their workflow more efficient, today people use one of the most common means of remote communication - video conferencing applications. This matters in a rapidly changing global situation and challenges. But how can you most productively take advantage of visibility during a video conference?

Video conference

Video calls in the context of modern business

The use of online meetings helps companies avoid the problems associated with movement restrictions within the same region or between regions. It was especially impressive when COVID-19 turned our lives upside down. In recent years, video conferencing equipment has proven the following advantages:

  • allows you to save time on the road;
  • allows you to save resources;
  • it provides more comfort;
  • it is much more flexible than face-to-face meetings;
  • it simplifies the technical part of the teamwork.

To sum up these benefits, video conferencing has many advantages over regular meetings. However, it has several difficulties to consider.

Challenges of Remote Meetings

Most of the difficulties that people can face when organizing online communication relate to the technical part. The quality of video and sound plays a decisive role. But the issue of choosing and configuring software is also very significant. To avoid these problems, the company should organize training so that teams learn how to use the software. They should also provide specialists with comfortable equipment.

Other challenges are related to psychological problems that each person must solve for himself.

Screen sharing and usage

Online meeting screen sharing is one of the most useful features available in online conferencing software. It helps to share information with visual help by sharing pages or documents open on your desktop.

This feature is widely used for educational purposes, marketing and other presentations, teamwork and troubleshooting. With visibility into everything discussed, screen sharing in teamwork helps increase focus and achieve better results.

Benefits of Screen Sharing for Remote Teamwork

Screen sharing during a conference has a number of undeniable advantages. When hosting an online screen sharing meeting, you can:

  • keep everyone in focus - if people have a visual demonstration in front of their eyes, it is easier to follow the line of discussion;
  • saves time - no need to explain or describe so much, because it can be demonstrated (plus, it's better for persuasion);
  • makes collaboration smoother - when people have the opportunity to demonstrate their ideas, they are clearer from the very beginning, so there is no need to argue;
  • supports remote workers – they are more likely to demonstrate their work and analyze their mistakes;
  • helps the team to brainstorm - with screen sharing video, ideas are created faster, have a better basis, and are discussed in a visual way.

You may find more benefits, but the point is that the demo makes the workflow more meaningful.

Team Screen Sharing: How to

Depending on the software you use, you can vary the screen sharing experience in the context of teamwork. The iMind app allows up to twelve users to share the screen at the same time. With such a function, you can organize your work in the following way:

  1. Announce the topic of the future meeting in advance.
  2. Specify what each participant should prepare.
  3. Start the conference and listen to each idea one by one.
  4. Discuss them using multiple screen sharing.
  5. Summarize and summarize.

Depending on the format of the meeting you are planning, these steps can be completed or shortened.

When you're looking for a good idea to make your meetings more productive, consider screen sharing for collaboration. Visibility makes everything much clearer and provides the best results.

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