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May 2, 2022·3 min reading

How to conduct a successful remote interview?

Today we are constantly faced with the need to work at a distance. This remote form requires many devices that we wouldn't need if we were in the office. In addition, this format refers to continuous learning on how to behave, work and hire. So, let's dive into the ins and outs of remote interviewing and find out how.

Remote interview process

Remote interviewing in today's business world

The world has become remote since COVID-19 broke out in early 2020. Since then, almost every industry has forced its workers to do their jobs remotely. Regardless of whether companies have switched to a remote format completely or partially, one of the most useful options has emerged - to hire new specialists remotely.

The remote interview process is much more convenient for both parties in terms of the environment they use and time savings. In addition to psychological and temporal factors, there is also the opportunity to learn the candidate's skills. Joining a conference for an interview provides an opportunity to perform other activities and thus evaluate professionalism.

These are just a few of the many benefits that video interviews offer, but they are enough to make it the preferred method of hiring.

The interview process for a recruiting company

We often see advice for candidates on how to successfully pass an interview, but there are far fewer articles on the topic of recruiter effectiveness. But before we get to the tips, we need to define how communication happens:

  • small abstract dialogue - five minutes of informal conversation, so that the candidate gets a little comfortable and evaluates his informal communication skills;
  • the main part - attention is paid to the previous experience of the applicant;
  • ask each other questions - first the questions come from the recruiter, then from the candidate;
  • Bottom line - each side draws conclusions from the discussions they had.

The process described above is common to most interviews, whether they are conducted on-site or via videoconference.

Process complexity

When conducting online interviews, people may encounter various problems, mostly related to technical issues. Among these problems people experience:

  • audio and video interruptions due to poor Internet connection or poor-quality equipment;
  • other connection issues related to the free video conferencing application not working properly;
  • any technical breakdowns that make it impossible to turn on or connect the PC, caused by force majeure.

In addition to these problems, it is more difficult for a recruiter to analyze the non-verbal signals that a person sends during a conversation. It is not critical if a person applies for a position that does not involve communication with people. But if so, the task for the interviewer increases exponentially.

Tips for making online interviews more effective

To achieve the best result in the selection of a candidate, the interviewer must be well prepared. Using these tips, an online interview is more likely to be informative and effective:

  • check the hardware and software required for the interview - anticipate possible technical problems and present yourself as a representative representative of the company;
  • having a plan - this helps to save time and organize the discussion so that you and your interlocutor better navigate the flow of dialogue;
  • inform candidates of the details of the remote interview - tell about these details when invited to an online meeting and send them explicitly on the same day;
  • give small hints before the interview - this is much better than trying to remember all the questions you want to ask or all the points you want to cover;
  • follow the rules of remote etiquette - set the audio and video to anything unwanted so as not to interrupt you in the process.

These are the main points that will help you achieve the best results. Others can be added depending on the specifics of your company's area of expertise.

What can not be done at a remote interview?

The answer to this question involves anything: familiarity, too personal questions, abstract reasoning that is not related to the topic, and an assessment of the characteristics of the candidate.

Conducting a remote job interview is the prospect of hiring new professionals. And the further technology goes, the more opportunities it opens up. Using the iMind video conferencing app is the easiest way to get the most out of important information without technical interruptions.

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