How to make small talk in virtual meetings?
Nowadays, people communicate using a variety of means: face-to-face communication, text messages, online meetings, or something else. And we like it when conversations are valuable and informative. But there are situations when it is incorrect to start with a discussion of work issues, and small talk is used here.

Small talk and its importance
Small talk is a conversation that usually takes place between two people and does not concern anything important. Small conversations can be used at the beginning and end of the meeting. It must be used when the conversation about the meeting has just begun. This allows people to introduce themselves and share information about their mood. It also shows the positive intentions regarding future cooperation on any issue.
At the end of the meeting, business small talk serves as a gentle end to the conversation. If business discussions end abruptly, people feel frustrated. Small talk allows you to draw some conclusions and ends the conversation more naturally.
How to prepare for small talk?
To be effective in small talk (as absurd as it sounds), you need to prepare yourself a bit. After all, these unnecessary conversations function as a social tool to make communication softer. But sometimes there's a fine line between light talk about nothing and pushy talk disguised as small talk.
To avoid such inconvenience, pay attention to the appearance of people. He will hint at those topics that you should not touch. Before going to a meeting, you can learn more about what is good to discuss and what is not.
Tips for Small Talk in Virtual Meetings
To avoid the negative consequences of any failure during small talk with clients or partners, use the following tips:
- study profiles in social networks - if you know who is a participant in a future meeting, you can find information about them in social networks and find out how they live in order to find a common language;
- use your background for small talk - mention some cases or events that you have witnessed;
- ask more, talk less - people like to talk more than they listen, so give them a chance;
- put an emoji next to your name - online meeting apps are perfect for seamless listening from both sides: technical and interpersonal.
By using these points, you can gather a bit of information that will help you make small talk without any problems.
What are great topics for small talk?
Topics of business small talk refer to something general and abstract, without touching on pain points. Usually it's the weather, the latest events or news that people have heard about, maybe sports or celebrities, movies or series. The main requirement is not to give too many details.
Topics to avoid
Among the topics inconvenient for small talk, we single out politics, someone else's appearance, health problems and other personal problems. Because this type of communication sets personal boundaries, it would be redundant to mention your or someone else's individual beliefs or concerns on any subject that you may touch upon.
Communication skills for better small talk
The first thing to remember is that you must be a good listener. Remote communication requires special attention to facilitate small talk. With the help of video and sound, you can collect information about the interlocutor, but it is still less than possible in a personal meeting. Being able to listen makes you more flexible in how the conversation develops, so it's easier for you to avoid anything you don't want.
The use of remote communication equipment changes the format but retains the method. Using the iMind app for business meetings and tips for small talk, you will be able to achieve maximum productivity in communication with partners, colleagues or clients.