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May 12, 2022·4 min reading

How to use video conferencing in healthcare practice?

Today, remote communication has become something that was impossible even to imagine ten years ago. We can meet family and friends, make new acquaintances, study and work from a distance. So it is not surprising that health issues have now also faded into the background.

Remote monitoring

Hangouts and modern communication

Most people use video conferencing for business and education. We are talking about cases of self-development or programs of educational institutions. As in business, video conferencing is a frequent tool for group meetings, marketing campaigns, and online company conferences.

As videoconferencing equipment has evolved and gained so much attention as an alternative to face-to-face meetings, it has become possible to use it for remote health monitoring. This is part of telemedicine.

Video conferencing in medical practice through the years

It all started with ordinary phone calls that allowed me to ask urgent questions without details. Technology developed, and in the middle of the 20th century it became possible to transmit specific information about the state of human health over a distance. Thanks to the radio signal, early telemedicine proved to be extremely effective for those patients who did not have easy access to doctors. Mostly they were people from the countryside. But later this option became available for cities.

Nowadays, we can go to our doctor without much effort. We need to use our usual equipment - PC, webcam and headset. With easy-to-use audio and video technology and online consultation apps, we can explain and show everything that itches.

Benefits of Using Videoconferencing in Healthcare

By using medical video conferencing apps, people can quickly learn how their disease progresses, flows and changes. Globally, healthcare through online meetings has the following benefits:

  • Dealing with urgent issues. It often happens when something went wrong and there is no time to wait. And if you do not know what to do, you have a chance to call the doctor and ask how to deal with the problem.
  • The level of security is increased. The work of a doctor with patients who have airborne or other easily transmitted diseases is always risky. Conducting an online consultation is not an ideal solution, but it is quite reasonable for a specialist.
  • This saves time and resources. The effect is especially noticeable for private doctors, who need to rent and equip an office, and then travel there.
  • Allows you to provide services to more people. Since there is more time saved, it can be channeled into professional activities to help more people. So there are better performance results.

Each physician and patient finds their own reasons for using this telemedicine tool. But the fact is that this option is now in great demand.

Use of video conferencing in healthcare

Since video conferencing is universal, you can find the following most popular applications of this technology:

  • communication of patients - for those who are terminally ill (or have been ill for a long time) and need medical supervision, video conferencing is a rare chance to communicate;
  • preliminary screening of patients is indispensable for finding out whether the case is urgent and what is happening, whether there is a long road to the patient;
  • chronic disease monitoring - in order not to force people to visit the hospital regularly, a person can meet with his doctor at a distance;
  • the possibility of peer-to-peer training - it is almost impossible for busy doctors to find an extra minute, so online meetings are a real salvation;
  • consultation with specialists - more abstract than if you visited a doctor in person, but allows you to clarify some basic (and sometimes critical) things without spending a lot of time.

The use of online conferencing tools for medicine is quite diverse. As technology advances, the variety of applications will only grow. And the more comfortable the remote consultation process is, the more it will help speed up the process.

How to conduct a video conference in healthcare?

If you need to use these technologies to streamline your workflow, below are some tips to help you.

First, select software and hardware. You should install everything to be as reliable as possible. Choose the best hardware and software to make your services better - this automatically creates a good impression, making people trust you if they have any health problems.

Follow etiquette so that people trust you. The more patience and tact you show, the more reliable you seem. That is why the first thing to remember is to be calm and polite, no matter how you provide your services.

Videoconferencing is one of the best tools to make it easier to connect people's problems with the skills of problem solvers. And when you choose the iMind application, you choose quality, complemented by a wide range of modern solutions.

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