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Apr 16, 2022·2 min reading

Hybrid Business Communication Guide

Communication is the key to every area of human life. Of course, business communication plays an important role in all our success. So, let's explore: what is business communication, what types we can distinguish and what is hybrid communication.

What is business communication?

Business communication is a type of communication that takes place at work and is related to work. We can define any exchange of work-related information as business communication: conversations, video conferences, emails, notes we share with teammates, etc. This type of exchange of information requires special attention, because almost every information, we receive is valuable. That's why it's so important to choose quality online conferencing software for your hybrid communication system.

Guide to Hybrid Business Communication

Types of communication channels

People usually divide all communication channels into two groups according to the type of communicants:

  • internal communications;
  • external communications.

Internal includes all information flows that occur within the company. These are video meetings, personal conversations, teamwork and other types of interaction between employees of the same enterprise.

All communications with customers, suppliers and other non-employees of the company are external.

But there is another point that needs to be taken into account when managing the workflow - the place where the team works. This is relatively easy if the team is working from the office or from home. Although, when one part of the team is remote and the other is in the office, it becomes much more difficult. This is where you implement hybrid business communication.

What to choose?

Let's say you have a business with several managers in the office and other employees who work remotely. In this case, you must provide a virtual workspace where all work communication takes place. This involves some software for document sharing, online meetings and constant communication. Also, consider external communication, so it's better to use a few universal apps for meetings and communication.

It is impossible to use only one type of communication for business purposes, so there must be a program corresponding to the maximum number of most used channels. You can separate applications between external and internal channels so that everything is organized and information is not confused. Online meeting applications can be used for both external and internal communications, and the functionality of the iMind application is one of the most convenient for such use.

To get the best result, you need to choose those means and sources that will be most effective in achieving your goal. In today's world, it is better to adapt to circumstances that change every day, so it is better to use hybrid tools that allow you to use sound and video along with text.

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