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Sep 28, 2022·3 min reading

Turn on video for an effective team hangout

People use video conferencing for a variety of purposes, and one of the most desirable is business meetings. But different topics of discussion determine the format of the meetings. Sometimes you may think that you don't need to enable webcam video. But we're here to prove you otherwise.

Virtual Team Collaboration
Collaboration in a virtual team

Importance of videoconferencing in modern business

Modern business requires constant communication to maintain the workflow and improve it. Group video calls or one-on-one meetings are held regularly to replace face-to-face communication when needed. They make it easier to share ideas and files, save time and resources, provide opportunities for people with disabilities, and more. Finally, they give you the opportunity to find professionals around the world to run your business in the most productive way.

What is team collaboration?

Team cooperation means focusing common efforts on achieving the goal set by the leader. Collaboration by a virtual team is effective only if it pays attention to regular remote communication and distribution of tasks. In addition, if the teams did not initially work together in person, it will be difficult for them to make connections for better teamwork. However, you can eliminate this nuisance if you use a few tips. Turning on video during meetings is one of them.

Why is it important to include your video in teamwork?

Joint video calls should provide the best mutual understanding. By turning on the webcam, you give your comrades the opportunity to perceive you as a person, and not just some voice from the other side.

The benefits of "video on" for a person

Among the benefits of turning on the webcam, you will find:

  • give the impression of an open and attentive person;
  • presentation of information more clearly;
  • showing respect for colleagues.

These glasses greatly improve the attitude towards you.

Benefits of "video on" for the team

For Hangout Teams with Video to Help:

  • build better rapport;
  • create a friendly atmosphere;
  • improve team building.

All things considered, you get a much better idea of teamwork than if you didn't use video.

How does video communication affect effective team collaboration?

Online meetings involve the use of video as they mimic live communication. Then imagine if your office colleague had a black bag on his head. Strange? Absolutely. But it's still more effective than turning off the camera because you'll be able to read body language personally.

The same works for video calls. And the attitude of your team changes depending on how you use your photo: whether you are well-groomed, what is in your background, whether the video is included.

Problems during a video team meeting

The iMind application allows you to enjoy all the benefits of video conferencing at a reasonable price. This helps to avoid failures, breakdowns, bugs and other troubles. Eliminate the consequences of a bad connection by recording your meetings and get the most out of the software.

Video conferencing software can provide impressive results for your work if you use the features mindfully. But a lot depends on the platform you choose. Use the best collaborative video meeting experience with iMind.

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