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Online meeting features

Everything you need and nothing extra.

Video and sound




Screen sharing

Emoji box
HD videowith the automatic quality adjustment based on your device capabilities and Internet speed
Blur and video backgroundUpload or select from thousands of Unsplash library images in Settings
Voice autodetectionto always see the speaker highlighted
Volume controlof too quiet and too loud attendees
Click-free microphoneSpeak by pressing and holding the space bar
HD video

HD video

with the automatic quality adjustment based on your device capabilities and Internet speed

Blur and video background

Blur and video background

Upload or select from thousands of Unsplash library images in Settings

Voice autodetection

Voice autodetection

to always see the speaker highlighted

Volume control

Volume control

of too quiet and too loud attendees

Click-free microphone

Click-free microphone

Speak by pressing and holding the space bar

Read in the blog:

All blog articles→

So simple. Really safe.

No apps & downloads.
Role-based security, 2FA, encryption, room locking and more.

create room

1. Share the link.

Anyone can attend, even if they are not registered in iMind.

create room

2. Join the meeting.

Headphones, camera and microphone will be tested automatically.

create room

3. Chat up to 4 hours.

All calls are encrypted with AES-256 GCM.